Nilesh Ingle
Education / Background
Doctor of Philosophy (Graduating in 2008)
Fiber & Polymer Science and Biomedical Engineering
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Dissertation topic: “Nonlinear viscoelastic finite element analysis of tissue specific barbed sutures.”
Master of Science Textile Technology & Management
August 2003 – North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Thesis title: “ Mechanical performance and finite element analysis of bi-directional barbed sutures.”
Master of Textiles Textile Technology
December 1999 University of Mumbai, Mumbai, MS, India
Thesis title: “Spinning one hundred percent sunnhemp fibers on jute spinning system.”
Bachelor of Textiles Textile Technology
June 1997 University of Mumbai, Mumbai, MS, India
Project title: Analysis of normal, ring-doubled, siro, open-end rotor, & ring-can spun yarn.
Contact Information
Phone: 919-601-2026 Email:
Research Area and Interests
Hobbies and outside Interest
Listening music, trekking, photography, cooking, playing tennis, cricket, badminton, racket ball,
soccer, recreational running & weightlifting.
Publications and Presentations
Conference Papers/Presentations
Ingle N. P., King M. W. “Barbed surgical sutures : Orthopedic perspective”. Society for Biomaterials, Chicago, 2007.
Ingle N. P., King M. W.. “Tissue holding performance of barbed sutures ” , Journal of Donghua University, 24,2, pp. 61-66 (2007).
Ingle N. P., King M. W. “Optimizing the geometry of barbed sutures for enhanced tissue holding capacity”. FiberMed06 – Fibrous Products in Medical and Health care, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, 2006.
Ingle N. P., King M. W. “Testing the tissue holding capacity of barbed sutures”. Fiber Society Conference, New Jersey, October 2005.
Journal Papers
Ingle N. P., King M. W. “Mechanical performance of barbed surgical sutures”. To be submitted in December 2007 to Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology [under preparation].
Ingle N. P., Doke S. S. “Optimization of spinning parameters for processing of 100% sunnhemp fibers”. Industrial Crops and Products. 23(3): 225-234, May 2006.
Ingle N. P., Doke S. S. “Analysis of sunnhemp fibers processed using jute spinning system”. Industrial Crops and Products. 23(3): 235-243, May 2006.
Zaipin Xu, Yubo Fan, Robert M. Geelkerken, Xiaoyan Deng, Martin King, Amidou Traoré, Nilesh Ingle, Stéphane Turgeon, Robert McGregor, Guy Dionne, Ze Zhang, André-Pierre Legrand, Randolph Guzman, Hongbo Zhang, Yvan Douville, Jean-Pierre Renou, Robert Guidoin. “Characterization of the biocompatibility, the biofunctionality and the bioresilience of an endovascular prosthesis: recommended protocol to investigate a device harvested at autopsy”. Journal of Endovascular Therapy [In Press 2007]
Posters /Presented
Kohn G. P., Ingle N. P., King M. W., Farrell T. M. “Construction of a manipulation-accessible virtual model of the human stomach”. The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2008.
Jessica M. Gluck, Nilesh P. Ingle, Martin W. King. “Effect of Sterilization on Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Electrospun Tissue Engineering Scaffold”. Society for Biomaterials Conference, Chicago, 2007.
Ingle N. P., King M. W., Hinestroza J.P. “Variables for modeling the mechanical fatigue of viscoelastic surgical sutures”. Industry Open House, Wilson College of Textiles, NCSU, 2005.
Ingle N. P., King M. W., Leung J. C., Batchelor S. “Suture tissue holding capacity as a function o f barb geometry”. Medical Textiles Conference, Pittsburgh, 2004.
Ingle N. P., King M. W., Leung J. C., Batchelor S. “Barbed suture anchoring strength: Applicability to dissimilar polymeric materials”. 7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, Australia, 2004.
Ingle N. P., King M. W., Leung J. C., Batchelor S. “Barbed bi-directional surgical sutures”. Journal of Textile & Apparel, Technology & Management, September 8, 2003
Review Articles
Ingle N. P. “An Eco-friendly, cellulosic fiber-Developments in Hemp”. Indian Textile Journal, July 1999, pg. 40.
Ingle N. P. “Textiles, The Cannabis Way !”. The Textile Industry and Trade Journal, May-June, 1999, pg. 21.
Ingle N. P. “Hemp (Cannabis Sativa)”. The Textile Industry and Trade Journal, May-June, 1997, pg. 21.
Ingle N. P. “Rotor Spinning”. The Textile Industry and Trade Journal, September-October, 1997, pg. 19.
Continuous Improvement Manager, CTexel Division of ADS
Project Leader, Industrial and sports wear platform at Texel Division of ADS
Co-major : Biomedical Engineering (Biomechanics)
TE 589F Mechanics of Living Tissues
TT 532 Evaluation of Biotextiles
CHE 715 Transport Phenomenon
CHE 589K Polymer Rheology
MAE 533 Finite Element Analysis I
MAE 734 Finite Element Analysis II
MAE 537 Mechanics of Composite Structures
ECE 525 Medical Instrumentation
MA 501 Advanced Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers
MA 502 Advanced Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers
ST 511 Experimental Statistics for Biologists and Scientists
PHY 503 General Physiology I
PHY 504 General Physiology II
BCH 451 Principles of Biochemistry
ZO 592S Spinal Cord Injury
Co-major : Fiber & Polymer Science
TAM 589C Globabl Textile and Apparel Marketing
TE 566 Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering
TTM 531 Total Quality Management
TTM 630 Airlaid Nonwovens Patent Review
TMS 761 Mechanical and Phenomenological Properties of Fibrous Materials
TMS 763 Characteristics and Structures of Fiber Forming Polymers
TT 781 Mechanics of Twisted Structures
TT 521 Filament Yarn Properties
TT 551 Advanced Woven Designs
Lab Skills
Mechanical Testing of Materials
* Tensile testing on MTS ReNew, MTS MiniBionix, Instron
* Fatigue testing on DMA Q800
Flat plate rheometer
Image Analysis
Optem zoom microscope and Matlab
Computer Proficiency
* Finite Element Analysis : Ansys, Abaqus (learning)
* Mathematics : Matlab, Maple
* Solid Modeling : SolidWorks
* Programming : C, C++, Fortran
* Web Design : Dreamweaver, HTML
* Medical Instrumentation : B2Spice, LabView
* Animations : Flash
* Others : MS Office, StarOffice, Windows Movie Maker
* Operating Systems : Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac
Chemical Characterization
* X-ray spectroscopy
* Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
* Differential Scanning Calorimetery (DSC)
* Weaving : Shuttle loom, projectile (Sulzer loom), Ribbon
* Spinning : Ring-spun, siro spun, rotor spun
* Braiding : Metal and polymeric monofilaments
* Twisting : Natural and synthetic yarns, fancy yarns
* Knitting : Circular
* Warping : Sectional and conventional
* Sizing : High strength yarns from Kevlar, Spectra
* Finishing : Scouring and bleaching
* Carpentry : Created a portable microscope of wood ;
* Carpentry : Created a wooden prototype for cutting surgical knotless barbs of required geometry
* Hands on : Have dismantled entire braiding machine to clean, minor repairs and reassembled
Research Assistant, Dr. Martin W. King, Wilson College of Textiles, NCSU.
January 2002 – present
1. Endovascular Stent Graft : Stent and Yarn Integrated Structure
2. Endovascular Stent Graft : High Abrasion Resistant Fabric
3. Vascular Graft : Polyester Yarn Quality Control
4. Sugical Barbed Suture : Image Analysis
Marketing and Technical Assistant, Surat, India
February 2000 – December 2000
Aggressively marketed polyester yarn in an enormously competitive local yarn market in Gujarat, India. Developed strong negotiation capabilities & persistent problem solving skills.
Internship : Bombay Dyeing and Finishing Mills, Mumbai, India
In six month training I learned practical approach to working machines in weaving, spinning and sizing departments. Understood managerial skills required and the importance of team work.
Extra Curricular
Small Group Leader – Office of International Services April 2006 – August 2006
Habitat for Humanity 2002, 2005, 2006
* Construct Housing : Teamed up to construct the foundation and wooden roof of two houses.
* Marathon : Ran 5K fundraiser marathon in April 2006.
Indian Cuisine at International Dinner, NCSU. 2002, 2003, 2004
Blood Donation, Mumbai, India 1998, 1999
MS 2003, PhD 2008
Current Position
Post-doctoral fellow at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA