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Jiantao Huang

Jiantao Huang - MS Student


  • B.S., Donghua University, Shanghai, China, 2011-2015
  • M.S., North Carolina State University, NC, U.S., 2014-Present


My name is Jiantao Huang. I’m from China, and I received my Functional Materials (Biomedical Textiles Material and Technology) bachelor degree from Donghua University, Shanghai. In Donghua University, my project was focusing on improving the hemocompatibility of silk fibroin fabric by using self-assembly technique. In 2014, I joined the 3+X program and came to NC State to pursue a master’s degree in textile chemistry. Now I am working with Dr.King to continue the research in Biomedical Textiles, and my research topic is related to donor-site wound dressings. I hope to gain more knowledge and experience in Biomedical Textiles and pursue a career in this area.

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