Congratulations Dr. Martin W. King and BMT Members!!
Martin W. King, professor of textiles at NC State, received a “Life-time Achievement Award” at the MedTex17 Banquet for his contributions to biomedical textiles. This special award honors Dr. King’s commitment to studying, developing and evaluating biomedical textiles for the last 30 plus years. Dr. King would like to give a huge “Thank you!” to Professor Wang Lu and the MedTex17 Conference Organizing Committee for arranging the event. (Read More About Dr. Martin W. King)

Dr. Martin W. King, who received the Lifetime Achievement Award at MedTex17
Congratulations to the following members of our BMT Group who also won awards at the MedTex17 International Conference at Donghua University! Congratulations to:
- Hui Cong, who received the Award for an Outstanding Oral Presentation
- Yihan Huang and Radhika Vaid, who received the Award for an Outstanding Poster Presentation
- Xiaoqi (Suki) Tang, who received 2nd prize in the “Scientific and Artistic Image Competition”. Her SEM image showed 3T3 fibroblast cells growing on a multifilament PLA yarn, which was previously used as the cover for the Spring issue of the Biomaterials Forum Newsletter 2017, Volume 39, Issue 1 (See previous news)

Hui Cong (4th from right) receiving the MedTex17 Award for her Outstanding Oral Presentation at the Award Ceremony at Donghua University, Shanghai, China on May 19th 2017

From left to right, Dr. King, Fan Zhang, DaXian Zha, Yihan Huang, and Hui Cong at the 2017 International Conference on Biomedical Textile Materials at Donghua University
Xinyue Lu (top left front), DaXian Zha (top left back), Dr. King (center), and Yihan Huang (top right) in conversation
Dr. King, standing next to Radhika Vaid, Tushar Bambharoliya, and Harirpiya Ramesh’s poster presentation on ‘Characterization of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) and Cellulose Acetate (CA) Based Films And Their Evaluation For Wound Dressing Applications’
Fan Zhang and Dr. King, posing for the camera with Fan’s poster presentation on ‘Evaluation of Tissue Engineering Scaffold for Tendon Reconstruction’
Lastly, congratulations to Haripriya Ramesh and Jeremy Bucher for graduating with their Masters degrees at the NC State Commencement Ceremony last Saturday! We wish you both much success in your future endeavors!

Haripriya Ramesh and Dr. King at the Wilson College of Textiles Graduation Ceremony on May 13th 2017 in commemorating Haripriya’s completion of her MS degree in Textile Engineering
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